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Furnace efficiency near ClevelandFootball season has arrived and that means fall is in the air.  When you’re not cheering on your favorite team at the stadium you’ll want a comfortable setting for when you are home.  If you are looking for extra warmth this season without the extra cost, consider some of these energy saving tips.

Replace your furnace filter – The first step you should take to maximize your energy efficiency is to replace your furnace filter. By replacing your furnace filter you will allow for better heat circulation and air quality. Each furnace is different, so refer to the owner’s guide to determine how often you need to change the filter on your model.

Open your shades – If it’s sunny during the day, open your shades and let the sun help heat your home.  This will be particularly helpful for windows that face the south.  At night, take the opposite approach.  Close the shades to keep the heat in your home.

Use your ceiling fan – Did you know that you can reverse the direction of your ceiling fan?  By operating the ceiling fan at low speed in the clockwise direction, you’ll produce a gentle updraft.  This will force warm air near the ceiling closer to the floor and help to thoroughly warm the room.

Install a programmable thermostat – Install a programmable thermostat to help regulate the temperature when you’re asleep or at work.  Lowering the temperature when you’re not at home is an easy way to save on energy costs this winter.

If you have questions or need help with any of the energy efficiency tips above, give us a call at 216-663-6462.