Contact Us: 216-663-6462


We might have one last chance for 70 degree temps, but the reality is, we’re basically done with our A/C units in Cleveland this year.  It’s time to turn your attention inside to the appliance that accounts for most of our energy use in the winter.  That’s right; it’s time to get your furnace ready for Cleveland’s winter!  Here are some steps you should take before the snow starts to fly.

Replace your furnace filter – What’s the easiest way to keep your indoor air clean and your furnace running efficiently?  Replace your furnace filter!  Every model is a little different, so pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions.  Some filters need replaced twice a year while others need replace every two to three months.  If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, be sure to call a professional.

Schedule a furnace inspection – Remember that your furnace is like your car.  Regular maintenance can ensure it runs efficiently and lasts for years to come.  Ideally you want your furnace inspected by a professional every year, which is one of the reasons we recommend service agreements to our customers.  During an inspection, we’ll give the equipment a thorough check-up.  We’ll clean the burners, check all electrical connections and verify operation of the igniters.

Check your thermostat – You should also verify that your thermostat is working properly.  Sometimes heat-related issues can stem from a broken thermostat.  If possible, install a programmable thermostat to help regulate the temperature when you’re asleep or at work.  Lowering the temperature when you’re not at home is an easy way to save on energy costs this winter.

These are just a few ways you can be better prepared for the cold weather ahead.  If you want to be certain your furnace is ready for our Cleveland winter, give us a call for a furnace inspection at 216-663-6462.