Contact Us: 216-663-6462


Spring is just around the corner and that means sunny weather and warmer temperatures.  If the mild weather we’ve been having in Cleveland continues, we’ll be turning on our air conditioning units before you know it!

While that’s exciting to think about, there are a few precautions you’ll want to take before you turn on your unit.  Every year we see damage caused by chipmunks that have made their home in A/C units all winter long.  We hate to say, but chipmunks bring us so much business!  They eat insulation from the wiring, and when unsuspecting home owners turn the unit on for the first time it will often overheat and burn-up.

Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to stop chipmunks from living inside your unit, but you can save yourself a lot of money but getting it looked over now.  Replacing a few damaged parts is much easier on the bank account then replacing the entire unit.  In fact savvy homeowners would consider a service agreement to help ensure everything is running smoothly year after year.  If you have any questions, give us a call.