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5 Signs You Need Your Air Ducts Cleaned

By on May 16, 2016 in Indoor Air Quality |

When your HVAC system and ductwork aren’t being properly maintained, a number of issues can arise. If your system is dirty or dusty, the condensing coils won’t be able to cool your home properly this summer. Plus, dirty ducts mean airflow could be restricted, which means your system will have to work harder to keep your home cool. The harder your system works, the more damage it could possibly sustain. This all leads to less energy efficiency and higher utility bills, too! When Should You Schedule Air Duct Cleaning? There are a few key indicators that point to signs you need to schedule air duct cleaning, including: It’s been a long time (or, never). If it’s been over five years, it’s time to schedule an air duct cleaning, as it preferably should be done every three to five years. Or, perhaps you’re recently moved into your home and aren’t sure they ducts were ever cleaned in the past. Quick accumulation of dust after cleaning. Do you feel like you’re constantly dusting the surfaces in your home, only to have dust settle again almost immediately after you put down your dusting rag? This could be a sure sign that your air ducts need to be cleaned. You notice mold growing in or around your ducts. Visible mold growth in your ducts means there could be an issue with moisture levels. Mold is can be a serious issue, as it causes serious health issues and respiratory problems. Family members with allergies are suffering more than usual. The dust in your ducts is not just dirt; it also can contain pet dander, pollen, mold spores, some fungi, or even rodent feces. If there are allergy sufferers in your family, these contaminants could be released into the air and cause all sorts of allergic reactions. Evidence of critter infestation. Every now and then, it’s worthwhile to inspect the area around your ducts for things like small scratches, droppings or dead insects. These signs mean you probably have an insect or rodent infestation, and your ducts should get cleaned immediately. When the air ducts in your home are dirty, no matter how diligent you are, dust will simply just spread more quickly than if...

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It’s Time for Spring Cleaning!

By on Mar 21, 2016 in Indoor Air Quality |

Spring is finally here! After a long, chilly winter, it’s time to open our windows and let in some of that sunshine and warmth at last. As we enjoy watching the flowers bloom and the leaves opening up on the trees, it’s time to tackle some of those yearly spring cleaning tasks to get our homes ready for those warmer months ahead. Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tasks For hundreds of years, people have been spring cleaning their homes after they’ve been closed up for the winter. The extra daylight allows us to really see how much dirt has accumulated over the last few months! While spring cleaning is never a totally easy process, it’s also pretty satisfying when we’re done! Here are 10 important spring cleaning tasks to tackle this season: De-clutter and organize. One of the first steps in your spring cleaning process should be getting rid of all that stuff cluttering up the closets and open surfaces in your home. Decide what items you need to keep, what can be tossed or donated, and put everything back in its proper place. Wash the walls. Believe it or not, those walls and ceilings can get dusty and dirty! Wipe down the walls with a good cleanser, paying extra attention to the kitchen and bathrooms. Vacuum and shampoo high-traffic areas. Focus on the high-traffic areas in your home. The places where dirty shoes have been walking need a good vacuuming and then shampooing- you can consider renting a carpet cleaning machine to ensure you’re really getting those areas as clean as possible. Dust shelves and bookcases. Remove everything from the shelves in your home and wipe them down- including the items on the shelves. Clean out the pantry and fridge. Look for any expired food and toss it! You should also wipe down the shelves and wash out the drawers to make sure you’re getting rid of any spills and crumbs. Go through the medicine cabinet. Likewise, check your medicine cabinet for expired prescriptions, medications and toiletries and toss those out, too. Beat the cushions. You can vacuum your sofa cushions, but a more thorough option is to take them outside and beat them with a broom handle or...

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What’s Living in Your Ducts?

By on Feb 22, 2016 in Indoor Air Quality |

  You probably know that dust, dirt and debris can accumulate throughout the duct work in your home over time, but what else might be lurking in there? And if you let it continue to build up, will your family’s health be affected? What about your HVAC system itself? The fact is that as dust and debris build up in your ducts, it can make it easy for pollutants like mold, bacteria, germs, dust mites, and other allergens to make themselves at home deep within them. Your air filter can help keep a lot of these contaminants from circulating throughout your home, but certain parts of your HVAC system can still be affected. This can easily shorten the life of your system, and in extreme circumstances can also affect your family’s overall health. How Air Duct Cleaning Can Make for a Healthier Home If you’ve noticed that lately the surfaces in your home seem to be covered in a fine layer of dust no matter how often you’re cleaning, it could be a sign that it’s time to get your air ducts cleaned. Let’s take a closer look at how removing the pollutants mentioned above with a thorough air duct cleaning procedure can help improve your home’s indoor air quality: Dust, dirt and debris: Dust and dirt that accumulate in your ducts can restrict air flow as well as how effectively your HVAC system is heating and cooling your home. Dust can contain not only dirt, but also hair particles, pet dander, dead skin, and even rodent feces! Mold: Mold grows best in warm, humid or damp conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Many people have adverse reactions to mold in the air, such as eye irritation, nasal stuffiness, or skin irritation. Bacteria: Both dirt and mold can create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow. As these particles are released into the air they are easily inhaled by your family, and can not only cause respiratory issues but can even damage your immune system. Dust mites: Dust mites live and easily multiply in warm, humid places and are the most common cause of allergies from house dust. They are difficult to remove; they’re found in...

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How to Choose the Right Products to Improve Indoor Air Quality

By on Dec 21, 2015 in Indoor Air Quality |

We spend the majority of our lives within the four walls of our homes. Today, our homes are better sealed than ever to keep the heat or cool air inside, particularly if you’ve recently installed new windows and doors. While this is great for our comfort levels and utility bills, the recycled air inside can easily become polluted or contaminated as this air is trapped inside so securely. Choosing the Right Indoor Air Quality Equipment However, we also have some great ways to improve the indoor air quality in our homes these days, too. Air purifiers are available in either commercial grade units that are often attached to your current HVAC system or smaller, affordable versions for individual rooms within your home. These air purifiers can be especially helpful if you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, asthma or other breathing issues. Because there are so many options available, choosing the right indoor air quality equipment to meet your needs might seem like a confusing process. Here are just a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking to purchase an air purifier or other indoor air quality products: Your individual needs. Know what the most important reason is for your need of an air purifier. Is there a smoker in the home? Do you have pets? Does someone have severe allergies to mold or dust? Quality construction. Look for a product that is designed well and has a warranty that covers each part of the unit, even the internal workings. Choose a manufacturer that has a good reputation, and make sure that the air purifier is guaranteed to be “whisper quiet” – a quiet unit is considered to be around 35 decibels. Of course, decide how expensive of an air purifier you can afford, too. Make sure to consider the cost of the replacement filters and how often you’ll need to change them out. How easy it is to use. Look for a product that is simple to use. A complicated air purifier might deter you from using it as often as necessary. Also check out how easy it is to clean it and change the filter. How well it performs. A quality air purifier...

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How Clean is the Air in Your Home?

By on Aug 10, 2015 in Indoor Air Quality |

We spend most of our lives within the four walls of our homes. In fact, research shows that people these days are spending up to 90% of their time indoors, whether that’s at home or in the workplace. If the indoor air quality surrounding you daily isn’t as clean as it could be, you might be at risk for certain health conditions. Stuffy noses, asthma, and headaches are just a few of the symptoms you might be facing. Factors Affecting the Indoor Air Quality in Your Home Indoor air quality is usually affected mostly by air pollution sources that emit gases or particles into the air. However, there are actually many other factors that can create poor air quality inside, including: Chemicals. Chemicals in the air often cause eye or nose irritation, and possibly other long-term effects. Chemicals get in the air from cleaning products or deodorizers, or personal factors like smoking. Ventilation. Not having enough ventilation keeps the outdoor air from entering a home, causing pollutants to accumulate and post health problems. Humidity. Not enough humidity inside can cause problems like dry skin and eye irritation, while too much humidity can cause the growth mold and dust mites. Pets or pests. Pets and pests like roaches or dust mites cause a buildup of allergens, and those with allergies are far too aware of the effects ongoing allergies can have on their lives. Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes or throat are just a few of the symptoms allergy sufferers face. Temperature. Extreme temperatures can cause poor indoor air quality and very unhealthy situations. Plus, air that is too warm can add to humidity levels. HVAC issues. Your heating and cooling system can affect not only the temperature in your home if it isn’t working optimally, but dirty filter and ductwork also contribute to the air quality, especially if there is dust or microbiological growth in the ducts. Improving Indoor Air Quality There are steps you can take to ensure the air in your home is as clean as it can be. First, increase the ventilation. This doesn’t necessarily mean throwing open the windows every week- we all know that isn’t entirely possible in Northeast Ohio anyway!- because that may actually...

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The Top Reasons to Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned

By on May 11, 2015 in Indoor Air Quality |

You probably don’t think all that much about the inner workings of your home- like your air ducts, for example. Have you ever considered what might be lurking within that duct work? What’s coming out of your vents actually may be affecting the overall indoor air quality of your home. Air Duct Cleaning and Your Home According to the Environmental Protection Agency, there are no official health benefits to getting your air ducts cleaned. However, there are still some very valid reasons to getting them cleaned out. It’s not something that needs to be done excessively, but getting them cleaned on an as-needed basis holds some value. So, what are the reasons you should consider getting your air ducts cleaned? Here’s a few: They’ve never been cleaned before. If you had a home built and have lived in it for several years now, but never had air duct cleaning performed before, your indoor air quality could be suffering. You’ve had issues with mold or mildew in the past. If your basement or an area of the home suffered water damage, this could be causing poor air quality and even mold within your HVAC system. You recently completed a remodeling project. Remodeling projects tend to cause a great deal of dust, especially if you’ve torn down or sanded walls. This dust can recirculate within the home for years if the ducts do not get cleaned. You or someone in the family suffers from allergies. Getting your air ducts cleaned does not actually prevent health problems, however, those who suffer from allergies have admitted to an improvement in their symptoms after an air duct cleaning. You have pets. Pet hair and dander can accumulate within the air ducts, so if you have a furry friend or two, you may notice a difference in the amount of dust in your home after getting your air ducts cleaned. This can also help those allergies sufferers, too! You notice dirt, dust or cobwebs coming from the registers. If you can actually see debris coming from your registers when you system is working, that could be a sure sign that it’s time for air duct cleaning. Your HVAC system has become less efficient. Removing the...

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