Contact Us: 216-663-6462


Air Conditioning RepairA new furnace and air conditioning unit is one of the most expensive appliances you’ll purchase.  Combined, they account for nearly 80% of the energy consumption in your home.  But much like the car you drive to work every day, they need regular maintenance.  A new air conditioner should last up to 15 years, and could potentially last even longer if you take care of it regularly.  Here are some tips you can do to extend the life of your A/C unit.

Clean the Unit.  Periodically clean off the outside air compressor with water. A garden hose or damp towel will work.

Remove Clutter.  The compressor needs a free flow of air, so be sure not to keep clutter around it.  It might be tempting to keep yard debris or tools tucked out of the way near the unit, but don’t do it!

Change the Filter.  A dirty filter is one of the main reasons we get repair phone calls.  It’s also one of the easiest tasks for a homeowner to do themselves!  Change your filter every four to six weeks (or as often as the manufacturer recommends.)

While you can implement these easy maintenance tips yourself, there are a few things that should be left to a professional Rheem Team contractor.  During annual maintenance, we’ll check hose connections for leaks or cracks and make sure the condensate tube is able to drain properly.  We can also check your ductwork and periodically clean it (every few years) to help improve the air quality within your home and help eliminate dust.

If you have any questions about ways to keep your air conditioning unit running efficiently, give us a call at 216-663-6462.