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Air Conditioner Repair Near ClevelandWe are hopefully on the brink of warm weather here in Cleveland, and that means it’s time to make sure your air conditioner is in good working condition.  Every year around this time (ok, usually a little earlier) homeowner’s fire up the A/C and feel the cold air start to fill the house.  But just because your air conditioner is blowing cold, that doesn’t mean it’s doing its job efficiently.

Remember that your air conditioner is a piece of mechanical equipment.  It periodically needs some attention the same way your car gets periodic tune-ups.  You probably change the oil, filters and tires on your car at regular intervals.  You should do the same thing with your air conditioner!

Avoiding Air Conditioner Repairs


Tip #1 – Do a quick visual inspection.  Remove any debris and trim back plants or shrubs that have started to grow around the air conditioning unit.  Take a peek inside as well.  Every year we see damage caused by chipmunks that have made their home in A/C units during the winter.  We hate to say, but chipmunks bring us a lot of business!  They eat insulation from the wiring, and when unsuspecting home owners turn the unit on for the first time it will often overheat and burn-up.

Tip #2 – Change your filter.  Every unit is different and we recommend following the manufactures recommendations. Filters help your unit run at its optimal performance.  This is especially important if you have pets or you have bad allergies.  Filters help keep debris and dust out of your system.

Tip # 3. Schedule your yearly maintenance.  Having your unit checked by a professional and making periodic improvements can extend its life.  Typically you want to have your unit inspected at the beginning and end of each cooling season.  For optimum performance, have a professional vacuum out the unit and lubricate the motor.

Make a note on your calendar every April to schedule routine maintenance for both your A/C and your furnace.  If you can schedule your contractor to come in between seasons, you’ll get better attention and have more flexibility with scheduling the appointment.

Have more questions about air conditioning repairs or maintenance? Leave a comment below or contact us 216.663.6462.