Contact Us: 216-663-6462


Air Conditioner 1More than half of our home’s energy consumption goes toward heating or cooling our home.  Here in Cleveland, it’s unlikely that you’re using solar or wind power to heat and cool your home.  This means you are spending some serious bucks to stay comfortable throughout the summer.   Since we are all about saving money, here are four tips you can use to run a more efficient air conditioner this summer.

1. Change your air filter. Check the filter every month. If it appears dirty, change it. A clogged air filter actually makes your unit work harder to pull air through the system. And this requires more energy and lowers your central air conditioner’s efficiency.

2. Call a heating and cooling technician to check and tune your air conditioner. The best time to do this mid-April to early May before you’ll start using your air conditioner regularly. This’ll ensure that all the parts of the unit are in good condition.  A properly working air conditioner runs more efficiently than one that needs repairs.   An expert can diagnose any inefficiencies that can lead to costly heating and cooling bills.

3. Check your ducts. If cold air escapes through leaks in your duct work, you’re A/C will have to run longer to cool your home.  Make sure your ducts are leak-free with this simple test:  hold a candle near exposed duct joints while the unit is running.  If the flame flickers, then there is a leak.  Fix this by calling a professional, or you can re-seal the joints yourself using the appropriate duct tape (not duct tape!)

4. Keep your house and your unit clean.  Between kids, pets and daily living, we track a lot of dirt into our homes.  As dirt, dust and pollen build-up in our homes and in the duct work, your air conditioner starts to lose efficiency.  Make sure you dust regularly and clean around your unit.  It’s also a good ideas to have your duct work cleaned periodically.

For more information in air conditioning efficiency, give us a call at 216.663.6462.