Contact Us: 216-663-6462


Service and RepairWouldn’t it be great if our air conditioners could pump out cold air forever?   Unfortunately, technology has a long way to go before that becomes a reality.  In the meantime, homeowners should actively maintain their air conditioning units so they can last as long as possible.  Yearly tune-ups will go a long way toward increasing the longevity of your unit.  Since air conditioners don’t last forever, there are some key signs you should watch for that indicate it’s time to replace the unit.

1. The age of the unit:  A typical air conditioner will last about 10 years depending on how much you use it and how well you maintain it.  If your unit is approaching 10 years old, it might be time to start planning for its replacement.

2. Higher energy bills:  If you’ve noticed your energy bills slowly creeping up, you could be nearing the end of the unit’s life.  As the unit reaches the end of its life, it becomes more inefficient.  Look for signs like increased time to cool down your home or if it doesn’t feel like it’s providing the same amount of comfort that it used to.

3. Additional noise from the unit:  If you started to notice additional noise when the air conditioner kicks on, or generally noisy air flow, that could be another indication it’s time for a replacement.

4. Frequent repairs: If you start needing frequent (and sometimes expensive) repairs on your unit, you’ll need to start weighing your options.  Just like a car, you’ll need to decide if it’s worth putting money into the current system, or if it’s time to get a new, more efficient unit.

New air conditioning systems can be expensive, but the units manufactured today are very efficient and can save you money on heating and cooling costs.  If you’re central air conditioning systems is getting older, give us a call at 216.663.6462 so we can start to discuss your options.