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Logo_PhoneDo you use a humidifier in your home? Humidifiers are typically used to make forced air homes more comfortable, especially in the winter time. Using a humidifier in your home can relieve the physical discomforts of dry nose, throat, lips, and skin.  It can also help those who suffer from asthma or eczema. But if your home is too dry from winter heating, then you might encounter static electricity, peeling wallpaper, and cracks in paint and furniture in your home.

What is the ideal humidity level?


The ideal humidity level for health and comfort is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on the temperature outside.  Low levels of humidity in the winter can contribute to a sense of discomfort, while higher levels may result in a clammy, damp feeling and can cause mold formation. You can get an accurate humidity reading in your home by buying a hygrometer and following the manufacturer’s directors.

A good guideline to follow is based on outside air temperature. If it is above 50°F outside, your indoor humidity should not be over 50 percent. If it is above 20°F outside, your indoor humidity should not be over 40 percent. If it is between 10 and 20°F outside, your indoor humidity should not be over 35 percent.

If you add more moisture into the air than is needed, you may start to see fog form on your windows or condensation on the window sills.  Over time, the water can destroy woodwork and you run the risk of growing mold.

Keeping your humidity at the proper levels will keep your home safe, comfortable, and protect it from unnecessary damage.

If you have questions about your humidifier, give us a call at 216-663-6462.