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Steam Boiler Repairs near ClevelandSome of the advantages of utilizing a boiler system to heat your home include the facts that they provide quiet, even heating and usually last a very long time. Their long service life is generally because they have fewer working parts than furnaces or heat pumps; for instance, there are no fans or pumps needed to circulate air throughout your home. This means fewer parts get wear and tear to require repairs.

However, no system will work perfectly one hundred percent of the time. If your home uses a boiler for heating in the Cleveland area, there are a few common repairs you might need to call the experts at Efficient Heating and Cooling for.

5 Common Boiler Repairs

Some of the most common boiler repairs include:

  1. Sealing leaks. Probably the most common issue for a steam boiler, leaks can occur when the boiler develops high water pressure, pipes are old or get damaged, at a poorly soldered connection, or when the tank gets corroded. To properly repair a leak, the technician will make sure to find out how the leak started in the first place.
  2. Replacing broken heating elements. If you have an electric-powered boiler, it uses heating elements to raise the temperature of the water. If your home isn’t feeling as warm as it should, it’s possible that one of the heating elements is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced.
  3. Deliming the tank. Homes that have hard water, or water with high levels of magnesium and calcium, limescale can start to develop along the inside of the tank. Limescale will cause an unbalance of the temperature in the tank, which leads to high pressure. This limescale will need to be removed from the tank by a skilled technician.
  4. Repairs to the expansion tank. Within your boiler’s water tank is a smaller, cylindrical tank attached to a pressure cage on top- this is the expansion tank, which is necessary to maintain the water pressure inside the boiler and keep the pressure from getting too high too fast. Professionals are needed when the membrane inside this tank break, which lead to a variety of problems throughout the system.
  5. Flushing the system. When sediment builds up in the boiler tank due to underground breaks in the pipes, this can cause the boiler to develop corrosion or to overheat. In order to clean away this sediment, a technician will need to flush out the water.

Don’t delay any of these boiler repairs if your system isn’t working the way it should. By neglecting to have a professional come out and fix these issues, the problems can rapidly get worse and you risk water damage or losing your heating completely.

Do you need service on your steam boiler? If you’re in the Cleveland area and need boiler repair work, contact us or give us a call at 216-663-6462.