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Indoor Air Quality and Your Central Air System

By on Jul 7, 2014 in Indoor Air Quality, Residential |

According to the American Lung Association, the indoor air quality in your home can have a huge impact on your health. In fact, failure to take the proper steps to ensure that you have high quality indoor air can cause you and your family to suffer from several health issues, including asthma, fatigue, nasal congestion, headaches, nausea and dry eyes. With this in mind, it makes perfect sense to assist your home’s indoor air quality by keeping your central air and heating system in good shape. As an added bonus, focusing on this aspect of indoor air quality will also help you maintain proper humidity levels and a comfortable temperature in each room. How Does the Central Heating and Cooling System Impact My Home’s Indoor Air Quality? Your central heating and cooling system is one of the primary factors that affect your home’s indoor air quality. Moving hot or cold air through your home can also stir up any bacteria or other pollutants that are sitting in your ducts. Therefore, it is critical to utilize a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep the quality of your home’s air from becoming potentially unsafe. Fortunately, there are many simple techniques that can be used to enhance your air quality, and our professional team can assist you with any necessary HVAC and duct work. What Steps Should I Take to Maintain Good Indoor Air Quality? 1. Change Filters As Needed – One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is failing to replace the filter in their central heating and cooling system on a regular basis. Your system’s manual can easily provide you with information regarding the optimal amount of time to wait between each filter change. 2. Regular HVAC Maintenance – It is important to ensure that your central heating and cooling system receives regular maintenance as needed. Keep in mind that delaying small repairs could hurt your indoor air quality and end up turning into a much more expensive issue. 3. Purchase Indoor Plants – Plants and trees are a natural source of clean oxygen, and they help remove carbon dioxide from the air. This makes houseplants the perfect choice for every home, especially if you or a family...

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Common Questions About Heat Pumps

By on Jun 23, 2014 in Cleveland, Heat Pump, Residential |

Keeping your Cleveland area home at a comfortable temperature without spending an exorbitant amount of money can seem challenging during the winter and summer. However, a heat pump is a viable alternative option that can heat and cool your home more efficiently. What is a Heat Pump? A heat pump is a cost-effective system that transfers heat in or out of your home depending on the season. For example, this device will pull the heat out of your home and release it outside during the summer. In the winter months, a heat pump is able to tap into the heat that is still available in the air and push it into your home to keep you warm. Even on a very cold day, there is still enough heat in the outside air to accomplish this task. As an added bonus, this system is more eco-friendly than a furnace because it does not burn fuel to create heat. A heat pump can also be utilized with a traditional heating and cooling system in order to ensure optimal results during frigid temperatures. Are Heat Pumps a Good Option for Homeowners? It is a good idea to look into a heat pump if you want to reduce your expenses and the strain that your household puts on the environment. Additionally, switching to this system will provide you with a milder form of heat. This can be very beneficial for people who do not like the extreme blast of warm air that is pushed through their house with a traditional heating and cooling unit. Some of the other perks include a more consistent temperature in each room and a long life expectancy that will prevent you from needing to replace your heat pump for many years. What Factors Should I Consider When Installing a Heat Pump? Heat pumps are an effective and budget friendly method for maintaining a consistently comfortable temperature when it is 32° or warmer outside. However, you might need a supplemental source such as a traditional unit to help compensate when the temperature drops below freezing. Fortunately, your heater will only begin working when the heat pump needs assistance, so you do not need to worry about receiving large gas...

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Warning Signs That it’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

By on Jun 11, 2014 in Air Conditioning, Cleveland, Residential |

Cleveland can get very hot in the summertime, so it is imperative to keep your air conditioner in good condition. Fortunately there are some warning signs that will help indicate that a replacement is going to be necessary. Efficient Heating & Cooling is available to assist you with any of your air conditioning needs, and we have more than 25 years of industry experience.   What Are the Warning Signs that Indicate You Need to Replace Your Air Conditioner? Most people prefer to obtain repairs instead of a replacement because they erroneously believe that this is always the least expensive option. However, there are certain signs that you should never ignore, and they point to the fact that your air conditioning unit is nearing the end of its useful life. 1. Inconsistent Temperatures – If the temperature throughout your house is extremely inconsistent, this is a warning that you have one of three issues: an air conditioner that no longer functions properly, duct work issues or inferior insulation. We can help you analyze these potential causes to quickly determine whether or not your air conditioner needs to be replaced. 2. Increasing Frequency of Necessary Repairs – It is normal for an air conditioning unit to need occasional maintenance, but it should never need repairs every summer or even multiple times per year. If you find yourself in this position, it will definitely be best for your bank account to replace the unit altogether instead of continuously putting money into it. 3. An Old A/C Unit – The average life expectancy of an air conditioner is approximately 10 to 12 years, and it is not financially worthwhile to spend money on repairs after your unit reaches this point.   What Are the Pros and Cons of Air Conditioner Replacement Versus a Repair? A repair can initially be less expensive, and it might be able to get you through one more summer. However, in the long run, a replacement makes the most sense. After all, sinking money into a dying unit is wasteful, and it is also important to consider the hidden cost of an ineffective air conditioner. For example, choosing a new unit instead of a repair will lower your...

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How to replace your air conditioner

By on Apr 29, 2014 in Air Conditioning, Cleveland, Cooling, Residential |

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioning system, chances are your unit is broken and you’re in a rush to replace it quickly.  A new air conditioning system is a big investment so you have to consider several important factors before making your final decision. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve got some advice on how to buy the best new air conditioner for your home. Get three quotes from reputable air conditioning companies Getting a quote from a company you trust is important.  It’s also wise to get a few quotes.  Each heating and cooling expert should go around your house, take measurements in each room and ask you questions. They should measure the floors, ceilings, and walls—including all the windows—and check insulation in the attic, walls, and crawlspaces. Additional factors they might consider include: indoor and outdoor temperatures, number of occupants, shading from trees and roof color. Watch out if someone you talk to says that the size of your unit should be based solely on your home’s square footage. That’s a red flag. Experts should calculate how much cooling a home needs according to the manufacturer guidelines. It’s also important to compare apples to apples when you’re looking at quotes.  Don’t hesitate to ask about anything that you don’t understand.  Your new air conditioning system should last for many years, so take your time and choose wisely.   Consider more than just the price of the air conditioner Don’t be tempted by the lowest price when replacing your air conditioner. Be willing to pay for the time the contractor must spend to do the job right. An air conditioner that’s installed properly is well worth the investment.  Also, consider any guarantees or warranties since reputable contractors will often guarantee parts and labor for a certain number of years.   Understand the efficiency of the air conditioning system The efficiency of each air conditioning systems is rated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio also known as SEER.  The ranges are between 13 and 21.  Federal law requires new air conditioning systems to have a SEER of 13 or higher. A higher SEER means a more efficient unit.  You should also look for...

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Avoid Air Conditioner Repairs with these tips

By on Apr 16, 2014 in Air Conditioning, Cleveland, Cooling, Residential |

We are hopefully on the brink of warm weather here in Cleveland, and that means it’s time to make sure your air conditioner is in good working condition.  Every year around this time (ok, usually a little earlier) homeowner’s fire up the A/C and feel the cold air start to fill the house.  But just because your air conditioner is blowing cold, that doesn’t mean it’s doing its job efficiently. Remember that your air conditioner is a piece of mechanical equipment.  It periodically needs some attention the same way your car gets periodic tune-ups.  You probably change the oil, filters and tires on your car at regular intervals.  You should do the same thing with your air conditioner! Avoiding Air Conditioner Repairs   Tip #1 – Do a quick visual inspection.  Remove any debris and trim back plants or shrubs that have started to grow around the air conditioning unit.  Take a peek inside as well.  Every year we see damage caused by chipmunks that have made their home in A/C units during the winter.  We hate to say, but chipmunks bring us a lot of business!  They eat insulation from the wiring, and when unsuspecting home owners turn the unit on for the first time it will often overheat and burn-up. Tip #2 – Change your filter.  Every unit is different and we recommend following the manufactures recommendations. Filters help your unit run at its optimal performance.  This is especially important if you have pets or you have bad allergies.  Filters help keep debris and dust out of your system. Tip # 3. Schedule your yearly maintenance.  Having your unit checked by a professional and making periodic improvements can extend its life.  Typically you want to have your unit inspected at the beginning and end of each cooling season.  For optimum performance, have a professional vacuum out the unit and lubricate the motor. Make a note on your calendar every April to schedule routine maintenance for both your A/C and your furnace.  If you can schedule your contractor to come in between seasons, you’ll get better attention and have more flexibility with scheduling the appointment. Have more questions about air conditioning repairs or maintenance? Leave a comment below...

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36 tips to improve your home’s energy efficiency

By on Mar 26, 2014 in Cleveland, Cooling, Heating, Residential |

If you’re like most homeowners, the sight of your utilities bill, and the rising cost of fuel have you looking for ways to save money, and cut back on wasting that precious energy.  We’ve come up with a list of things you can do for both.  Some of these items can greatly improve the value of your home too!  Take a look and see what you can do to reduce those costs. First, you should get an energy audit to find out where you can make improvements.  One of the best things you can do before you start, is to find out where your home is costing you on wasted electricity, and heating and cooling.  Before you start spending money to make improvements on your homes energy efficiency, you should find out where it actually needs it. Our list is arranged by cost.  We’ve grouped them in cost brackets, starting with free.  That’s right, there are things you can start doing right now, that won’t cost you anything!   Easy ways to save money on your energy bills   Turn down the water heater – turn it to warm, about 120°F.  Any higher than that and you’re really wasting your money.  120°F is warm and comfortable, and it’s easier for you water heater to keep this temperature. Adjust the thermostat – try changing it from 1-5 degrees from where you usually keep it.  This can reduce 7-10% on energy costs. Wash full loads in the dishwasher and washing machines. Use cold or warm water on the “wash” cycle, when doing laundry, and use  the cold water rinse. Turn off appliances completely when not in use.  Make sure items are off, not just in “sleep” or “standby” mode, which still uses electricity.  If you’d like an easier solution, see #1 in the next section. Vacuum dirt and dust from refrigerator coils and fan.  When this part of your refrigerator gets dirty, it works harder to get air, therefore using more electricity.  Be sure to unplug the refrigerator, or flip off the circuit breaker, first.  Disconnect water lines, if it is equipped with an ice maker. Close curtains and blinds to keep cold drafts out in winter, and keep heat out...

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