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fall home maintenanceSummer always seems to fly by in the blink of an eye, doesn’t it? It feels like we were just busting out the swimsuits and shorts, but now with the kids back in school and it’s time to dig out the sweatshirts and jeans. Before we know it, the first snowflake will be falling- and in Northeast Ohio, that can happen as early as October!

This is why it’s never too soon to prepare your home for winter, especially now while the weather is still pleasant. Get outside now to tackle some fall home maintenance tasks and you’ll ensure your house will be comfortable and cozy when the cold weather settles in for good.

Fall Home Maintenance Tasks to Start Now

  1. Check the lights. Throughout the fall, the days start getting shorter and shorter; plus, daylight savings ends in early November. This means it will be darker much earlier- often before you even get home from work or school. It’s important to make sure all the outdoor lights are in good working condition to prevent any accidents on icy sidewalks or entryways.
  2. Clean out the gutters. A clogged gutter can cause serious damage to your home, so make sure you stay on top of cleaning out those fallen leaves from the gutters throughout the season. At least a few times before all the leaves are down, get out the ladder to clear out any potential blockages.
  3. Look for leaks. Once the wind starts blowing and biting it becomes very easy for it to slip through any cracks in windows and doorways, right into your home. Look for holes or cracks in the seals and fill those in with caulk or weather-stripping. Plus, you can also consider swapping out the drapery inside to heavier curtains that can help keep out some of those cold breezes.
  4. Turn off the outside water. When you’re done watering the summer flowers and washing your car for the season, it’s time to shut off the outside water to prevent freezing pipes. First, completely drain them of water, then turn off the water in the home. For extra protection, cover outside faucets with an insulated cover.
  5. Tidy up your HVAC system. Check your outside HVAC unit and clear any weeds and debris that may be gathering around it. Plus, dirt and sediment can build up and cause it to not function as efficiently as it should. Fall is also the perfect time to schedule an annual furnace maintenance check. This way, you can ensure your system will be in great working condition when you need it the most throughout the cold months ahead.

To schedule your annual furnace maintenance check, contact the professionals at Efficient Heating and Cooling today!  If you’re in the Cleveland area, contact us or give us a call at 216-663-6462.