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10 Plants that Clean Indoor Air

Winter in northeast Ohio means we’re all stuck inside, and likely suffering from sneezing, coughing and other airborne illnesses. To make matters worse, we’re likely inhale stale and polluted indoor air.  Toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene are present in indoor air from materials such as tissues, paper towels, garbage bags and floor coverings. 

Fear not! There are certain plants that can help remove toxins, and give you and your family safe and fresh air.

NASA has confirmed the air cleaning power of plants. Not only do plants clean the air, but they also serve as a great way to improve your home décor. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 best indoor plants for cleaning the air in your home, along with suggestions on where in your home to place the plant.

Best Plants for Cleaner Indoor Air

1. Spider plant. Spider plants are great indoor air cleaners. They take in and metabolize atmosphere pollutants and use them as food, thus reducing or eliminating some toxins. They are good at removing benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries. 15 spider plants would purify the air of an average size house.  

2. Snake plant. Also known as mother-in-laws tongue. This plant is tough to kill and can go for a month without water. Removes indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and carbon dioxide and give oxygen in return. Put it in your bedroom for a good night’s sleep. 

3. Golden Pothos. Want a plant for your bathroom? Photos is a good choice. It’s very easy to propagate too. One caveat: pothos is poisonous. So keep away from pets and children. 

4.Peace lily. The peace lily has lush leaves, a slender flower and can grow up to 3 feet tall. This plant is great at removing benzene, formaldehyde, and other harmful Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs so it’s a great plant to place anywhere in your home.  

5.Rubber Tree. This plant is sturdy and can grow up to 8 feet tall. The rubber plant is exceptional at removing formaldehyde and an assortment of airborne toxins. This is one of those hard to kill plants because it can tolerate low light, cool temperature and insects. This would be great for a north-facing room or window.  

6.English ivy. This plant can withstand a variety of indoor climates with the exception of high heat. Because it’s a vining plant, it’s ideal to place on tabletops and shelves. It’s exceptional at removing many toxins in the air especially formaldehyde. 

7. Heart-leaf Philodendron. This houseplant has a moderate ability to remove indoor air toxins. It thrives in dry indoor climate and is very easy to grow and propagate.  

8. Aloe. Most of you probably already know that aloe leaves have medicinal properties. But did you know that it can remove toxins in the air too? Toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from paints, chemical-based cleaners, and more. The good news is, even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can easily grow and propagate it. Keep this one in the kitchen for occasional burns.

9. Jade Plant. This is also known as a friendship tree, lucky plant, or money tree.  An easy-to-care-for succulent plant which can remove 91% of toluene, a toxin found in paint thinners

10. Dieffenbachia. Commonly known as Dumb Cane. Create that tropical look in the house by planting dieffenbachia. Also removes toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene out of the air. But be careful not to consume it because its leaves has poisons that can cause temporary numbness in the vocal cords.

If you have kids or pets, remember to check first if the plants you intend to buy are safe for them. Go ahead and enjoy your beautiful plant décor and of course that fresh indoor air!